Welcome to Wheels 2 Fly Foundation: the New Local Branch of Pennsylvania's Assistive Technology Lending Library
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive technology is a device used by a person with a disablity in order to work, play,learn,accomplish daily living activities, or function in the community.
Assistive technololgy devices can increase the ability of individuals with disabilities and older adults to be independent, contributing members of thier communities.
What is Pennsylvania's Assistive Technology lending Library? What devices are avalable?
Pennsylvania's Assistive Technology Lending Library is a free service which enables Pennsylvanians with disabilities of all ages to try a variety of assistive technology devices, in order to decide what device is best suited to their needs. This program was created by Pennsylvania's Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT), and is now supported by federal and state dollars, as well as through private contributions.
There are a wide selection of devices for you to borrow, including devices that can help you: . Communicate with others . Control your enviornment . Hear what others are saying . Do everyday activities . Access computers . Read printed materials
If the device you want to try is not available in the inventory, we may be able to help you find other ways to borrow or try the device.
How does Pennsylvainia's Assistive Technology Lending Library work?
Requests for equipment loans may be made by you, your family member, friend or advocate, or someone who is presently helping you with your assistive technology needs (counselor, therapist, teacher, etc). For devices that are complicated, you may be asked to identify someone who is familiar with the device who will help you use it during a loan period.
Once your application is recieved and approved, your device will be delivered to you, and is your to use for the specified loan period. When the loan period is over, the device will be picked up and returned to the lending library. There is no cost to you for pick up or delivery of the device.
To request an application, please contact us at Wheels 2 Fly Foundation, 1412 Summit Avenue, Linwood, PA 19061 or (610)485-3754, or (610) 859-0291, or email [email protected].